House of Abraham Seneor
This site presents the former house of Abraham Seneor, a former Jew who later converted to Roman Catholicism. The house has now been converted into a hotel. Abraham Seneor was a Sephardic rabbi, banker, politician, and patriarch of the Coronel family. In 1492, at the age of 80, he converted to Roman Catholicism, taking the name Ferran, Fernan or Fernando Pérez Coronel, thus founding the noble lineage of Coronel.
Not all the descendants of Rabbi Abraham Senior, also known as Fernán Pérez Coronel, truly embraced Catholicism. Some were denounced as New Christian judaizers (secret Jews), and punished by the Inquisition, lost their possessions and even were deported to Brazil. Other descendants fled to lands more tolerant to Jews, such as Duarte Saraiva (born 1572), who escaped to Holland, where he adopted the name David Senior Coronel and subsequently went to Brazil, where he was considered the richest man in Dutch Brazil. Rabbi Menasseh Ben Israel (1604–57) dedicated his book, Conciliador, to Perez Coronel. Pérez Coronel descendants are scattered around the world, some in Israel, others in Brazil, Ecuador, Mexico, Venezuela, Holland, and the United States.