Arab Baths of Santa María


The Arab Baths of St. Mary´s, often visited by Cordoban Jews, were very popular and abounded in the Córdoba of the Caliph and even preserved after the Christian conquest. They were built during the time of the Caliph and reconstructed in the 14th century by Mudejar master builders. The baths are located between Velázquez Bosco street (the former Comedias street) and Céspedes street (which was Baño Bajo street). The monument includes a rainwater tank and three vaulted rooms corresponding to the frigidarium (cold baths), the tepidarium(warm baths) and the caldarium (hot baths). The first room contains the cold baths, covered by a half-barrel vault and compartmentalised into several rooms, has remained integrated in the current house at number 10 Velázquez Bosco Street, which is open to visitors. Today, the tepidarium room is a square courtyard which is 7.5 metres long each side with galleries whose weight is borne by eight columns which support horseshoe arches and semi-circular domes perforated by truncated pyramid-shaped chandeliers. Finally, the caldarium, a rectangular room, which measures 10.3 by 3.1 metres with brick and stone ashlar walls covered by a stone barrel vault and three series of skylights which are currently covered. On the western side of the room, two horseshoe arches open out which originally were the setting for several swimming pools, and between both, a narrow vaulted gallery providing a connection with the rainwater tank.

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