Avenue of the Volcanos, Ecuador - Kosher and Shomer Shabbos

Ecuador is an astonishingly beautiful country that has some of the highest volcanoes in the world. Our Avenue of the Volcanoes expedition tackles four of the best volcanic peaks, with a careful program of acclimatization and skills development to ensure you have the best chance of success, comfort and enjoyment combined with sufficient rest days. You will be astounded at the unusual volcanic rock landscapes and luxuriant vegetation that gives Ecuador its unique environment.We start our acclimatization by hiking to Quilotoa lagoon at 3,914m before our first climb of initially climb Corazon Volcano (4,788m), then on to the volcanic peaks of Illinizas Norte (5116m). One day of skills training is given before we attempt our next Ecuador volcanoes, either Cayambe (5790m) or Cotopaxi (5897m) before attempting our final peak Chimborazo (6268m), the highest peak in Ecuador and the furthest point from the centre of the earth. The views of the surrounding natural wonders and volcanic peaks are a spectacle to behold. Through the clouds you will be able to gaze upon your previous endeavors and savour the clear air and views of the distant Andes.

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