Bukhara Old Jewish Cemetery


The Old Jewish Cemetery is Bukhara has more than 10,000 graves from the once thriving Jewish community that inhabited the region. It is located at the West end of Ibrokhim Muminov Street and the entrance can easily be spotted by the blue dome with the Star of David. The cemetery is quite large and contains not only thousands of graves, but a memorial wall of Bukharans who died during WWII, at a time when more than 10% of the Bukharian population were Jews.

Some of the well-known people buried in this cemetery include Composer Suleyman Yudokov (died in 1990), Doctor of philology sciences, professor N.M. Mallaev (died in 1996), Honoured coach of Uzbekistan R.R. Davidov (died in 1963), People’s artist of Uzbekistan E. Kalantarov (died in 1984), and Honoured artist of Uzbekistan, professor Yu. Ishokov.

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