Delphine Yagüe CulturistiQ

Group Historical Private Walking

Meetings, guided tours or workshops about a specific theme for a 1h30 to 2 hours experience, in a pedagogical and entertaining setting, for group up to 20 persons. Those experiences are built jointly by CulturistiQ and its partners: each partner presents the specificities of its work and heritage while CulturistiQ presents the same thematic through the point of view of Rashi and his disciples. As the writings of the Sages of Champagne are wonderful testimonies of daily life in the Middle Ages in Champagne, it is easy to transmit the local medieval way of life through their description of tools and technics, relationships between Jews and Christians, food, agriculture, nature and so on… All through the “experience”, CulturistiQ and its partners offer a dialogue between elements of local culture and Jewish local history/Jewish culture.

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