Diamantslijperij Asscher


The Diamond Company House of Culture (Cultuurhuis Diamantslijperij) was built by the Asscher Family in 1907. It was first used as a factory for The Royal Asscher Diamond Company, Koninklijke Asscher Diamant Maatschappij in Dutch, which was established in 1854. Since then, it has represented the long-standing involvement of Jews in the Amsterdam diamond industry. Queen Juliana of the Netherlands, granted them the ‘Royal’ name they bestow today in 1980, for their long standing hard work and widespread influence.
Although the diamonds are no longer cut in this building, the Asscher family continues to hold office here, along with various other creative companies. While the Royal Asscher does not offer guided tours, passersby can enjoy the splendor of this beautiful building.

During World War II, the Nazis confiscated the diamonds and deported the Asscher family along with 500 of their polishers to concentration camps. Only ten Asscher members and fifteen other workers survived. After the war, the capital of diamond polishing moved from Amsterdam to Antwerp, and the Asschers were forced to rebuild their empire.

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