Forget and Remember Exhibition

4th June 2022 - 28th November 2022

On view from 4 June to 28 November 2021 in the Jewish Historical Museum: Forget & Remember by the exceptional artist duo Gil & Moti. They developed this exhibition, in which their family histories take central stage, especially for the JHM. Using the stories of Gil’s father and Moti’s mother, the artists explore the relationship between personal, subjective memories and the collective memory. Please note: this exhibition includes an audio tour. Please bring your own headphones or purchase headphones at the museum.

The exhibition
In Forget & Remember the visitor is introduced to the stories of ánd about the protagonists of the exhibition: Gil’s father and Moti’s mother. The exhibition is built around their very different collections: Gil’s father has a collection of everyday objects that he either uses himself or has found on the street. Moti’s mother’s collection consists of paintings by famous Israeli immigrant artists from the 1930-1970s.

Gil & Moti developed a special audio tour for the exhibition that connects the personal side, that of their own Jewish family background and migration history, with contemporary Israeli themes. In this, they experiment with existing presentation methods of historical museums. They’ve also made a series of videos showing intimate video conversations between the artists and their parents.

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