Street Art in the Old City of Be'er Sheva

Walking Private Art

The Old City of Be’er Sheva has been enjoying a cultural and artistic boom, in the last few years, with museums, galleries, street exhibits and artistic projects, some even becoming a tradition. Among the wealth of artistic happenings in the ever-evolving city, the street art scene stands out the most, glorifying the old walls and giving them a happy and luminous street gallery vibe.

Discover Be’er Sheva’s street art scene through a colorful and vibrant tour, in which we will explore amazing murals, interactive street games and extraordinary art projects. We’ll walk among the picturesque streets and impressive historic buildings, discuss the artistic development in the Old City and the many artists who “took over” it and turned it into a real gem. Hear about the “Walls in the Old” (“Kirot Ba’Atika”) project – a colorful street gallery exhibiting the local art to the public, and see “Paint in the Old” (“Tzeva Ba’Atika”) project – a series of beautiful murals decorating various building fronts around the city.

We’ll pass by the experimental project featuring giant thinking games, stationed along Mordei HaGetaot street and enjoy a specially exciting game; visit a wall decorated with amusing statues at an incredibly reconstructed Ottoman house, by a local artist; gaze at the thousands of colorful lampshades hanging over Kakal street. To complete your artistic experience, we offer you to visit the Artists House in the Negev, the various galleries and the fascinating museums active around the city.

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